Sunday, December 24, 2006

This Morning's Message...

can be found here.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

The Latest News from Mark...

(1) Please pray for Carol. She's the wife of one of Don's former co-workers. She's just been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Pray that God will bring her healing. Pray too, that God will give her family, her friends, and her strength and encouragement.

(2) We will worship together tomorrow morning at 10:00AM. We'll celebrate the Fourth Sunday in Advent.

(3) We'll gather at 7:00PM tomorrow night for our annual Christmas Eve Candlelight Worship celebration. This is a wonderful service and there will be some special music provided for us by Amy and Jane. (Thanks to all of our musicians, who have great things planned for the coming year!)

(4) There will be no GoDeep Saturday worship today or next Saturday. But we'll resume these wonderful worship gatherings on January 6. Those services start at 5:30PM.

(5) The first and only look at this Sunday morning's Bible lesson can be found here.

(6) For your offerings on Christmas Eve night, I'm going to ask you to choose between one of the following benevolence causes:
  • ELCA World Hunger Appeal [The hunger relief efforts of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America is the single most effective ministry of our denomination.]
  • CASA for Clermont Kids! [This is the organization that provides advocacy and duffel bags for children taken into foster care.]
  • Boys and Girls Club of Clermont County [This effective youth services organization, now working in two county communities, is looking to expand in 2007, and could use your help.]
Write your checks to Friendship, noting the preferred benevolence on the Memo line. Thanks!

(7) We won't have the usual Sunday 9:00AM gathering that looks at the Bible lesson this Sunday or next Sunday. That will resume on January 7.

Finally, please know how deeply grateful I am to the people of Friendship and for all the blessings that go with being your pastor. You've done some fantastic things in 2006, including smashing the goal, set in late June, of amassing 500-outside-of-Friendship-service-hours by the end of the year.

I'm excited about the coming year of 2007, which I believe will be a time of great numerical as well as spiritual growth. Thanks again and God bless you with a wonderful celebration of Jesus' birth and a fantastic new year!

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Remember That Tonight's Advent Soup Gathering...

happens at 7:00.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

The First (and Only) Pass at The Sunday Morning Bible Lesson...

is here.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Second Advent Soup Gathering...

happens this coming Thursday evening at 7:00 PM. Hope to see you there!

At the House

I'll be giving the opening prayer for a session of the Ohio House of Representatives this coming Tuesday, December 19, at 11:00 AM. Pastors, rabbis, and other religious leaders from throughout the state are invited to give these prayers given at the beginning of every day of legislative work in Columbus. You can watch the Ohio House and Senate in session live here.

This Coming Weekend...

No Saturday worship.

We gather for the Fourth Sunday in Advent on the morning of December 24 at 10:00 AM.

We gather for our Christmas Eve Candlelight Worship Celebration at 7:00 that evening.


Those two words must be our obsession in 2007, as servanthood has been in 2006.

Evangelism is sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with our spiritually-disconnected friends, neighbors, co-workers, and acquaintances. Every Friendship household should make it their goal to invite and bring one unchurched household into the membership of our congregation by December, 2007. As you invite people, make sure your invitations are personal and not canned. Who have you invited to worship this week?

Retention is being the kind of loving, caring, involved member who telephones or emails Friendship friends they haven't seen for awhile, who offers other members assistance, and a loving ear.

EVANGELISM and RETENTION are shorthand terms describing our vision for 2007:
  • Exalt the Lord
  • Each one reach one
  • Engage in service
  • Expand your vision

This Weekend's Message...

is here.

Thank you...

to our Servanthood Team, who have made service in the Name of Jesus Christ a key element of the life of Friendship Church. The vision for our congregation has always been clear--to share God's kindness and call the spiritually-disconnected into relationship with Jesus.

This isn't done with marketing, advertising, or swiping people from other congregations. It comes when we befriend and serve those who need Christ in their lives. Servanthood is part of that.

Thanks to Amy Cheney, Dave Kuebel, Gene Hart, Nancy Ball, and Jan Witkowski for reminding this of the call to servanthood. You've done a fantastic job!

Thank you...

to Mike DeVore, Dave Mikolay, and Tim Toerner for repainting the sanctuary on Saturday. It looks fantastic! Thanks to Tim for coordinating the effort.

Thank you...

to Holly Fay and Judy Jordan for coordinating the new effort that will enable Friendship to raise money for currently unfunded ministries. And thanks to Jan Witkowski for her passionate advocacy of this program.

Thank You...

to Steve Snoke for pinch-hitting for Steve Feine as presider at today's annual congregational meeting.

Thank You...

to all the members of Friendship for the gifts you purchased for residents of the Williamsburg Care facility. Thanks also to Judy Toerner for once again coordinating this activity!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

From Carol Barrett...

"Big Thank You to all of the people who brought in new or gently used coats. These coats have been given to Withamsville Elementary. The person I talked to was thrilled that we had the coats because there are so many children who are in great need of warm coats. Also, a big thanks to Debbie Snoke for making tags from Friendship Church showing our commitment to our


Carol Barrett

From Steve Snoke...

I know a great way to get your weekend off on the right foot. Stop by the church building this Saturday morning 12/16 at 8 AM for a Pancake breakfast.

Our men's group breakfast promises to be a good time. After breakfast, we will focus our bible study on "troubling our self on behalf of others". The meeting typically ends by 9:15 AM.

No need to dress up. Come as you are, even if in pajamas.

Hope to see your Saturday!

God Bless,

Steve Snoke

Blockhead or Fathead?

Check out the twelfth installment of our Advent series, Opening Your Spiritual Gifts, here.

Remember This Sunday's Annual Congregational Meeting

Our annual congregational meeting takes place this Sunday, immediately following worship. On our agenda:
  • Electing a Church Council Member
  • Passing the 2007 Budget
  • A Reminder of Our Vision
Because Steve Feine is out of town this weekend and because our vice president has just been appointed, Steve Snoke, our financial chairperson, will chair the meeting.

Recently, Jim Jordan has been appointed to an unexpired term as vice president and Charlene Hauke became chairperson of parish education. Thank you for your service!

Our elected church leadership includes:
Steve Feine (president)
Jim Jordan (vice president)
Nancy Ball (secretary)
Mike Cheney (treasurer)
Carol Barrett (Outreach)
Charlene Hauke (Parish Education)
Pete Wagner (Fellowship and Small Groups)
Tim Toerner (Property)
Steve Snoke (Finance)
We're blessed to have these great leaders at Friendship!

'The Nativity Story'

On Sunday, I'll announce the times for what I hope will be a churchwide outing to see 'The Nativity Story.' This film that recounts the birth of Jesus is getting rave reviews from Christian theologians and pastors who love it in spite of the fact that it harmonizes the accounts of Matthew and Luke. I'm looking forward to seeing it.

The plan is simple: After Sunday's congregational meeting, we'll go home and have our lunches. Then, we'll meet at the theater in Milford for a matinee showing of the film. After that, we can go for dinner at the Cracker Barrel together.

Again, I'll announce the show time on Sunday.

Tonight is the First Advent Soup and Salad Gathering

Tonight brings our first Advent Soup and Salad gathering. It starts at 7:00PM. After eating, we'll have a brief discussion of the Opening Your Spiritual Gifts readings. See you tonight.

Paul is Home from the Hospital

Paul Niehaus is home from the hospital, discharged yesterday. He's doing well and along with Marti, hopes to be in worship this Sunday. Your prayers are deeply appreciated!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

The Latest Installment of 'Opening Your Spiritual Gifts'...

is here.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

New Bible Study Coming in January

If 2007 is the year you've resolved to be closer to God, we've got something special for you!

Starting on Tuesday, January 9, we'll have the inaugural meeting of a four-session class on the New Testament book of First Peter.

Before each class session, participants will be asked to read a portion of this fantastic letter written by the apostle Peter to the churches of first-century Asia Minor, site of modern Turkey.

You'll also be asked to consider a set of questions, which we'll then discuss during our gathering.

Each gathering will run from 7:00 to 8:30PM.

Let Mark Daniels know if you want to be involved in this four-session group and he'll get the short booklet containing the questions you'll be considering.

Getting steeped in God's Word will change your life!

Reminders and Updates

(1) As you know, this coming Sunday is the day when the gifts members of our congregation have purchased for residents of the Wlliamsburg Care facility will be delivered. That means we need the gifts by this coming Sunday morning.

Judy Toerner advises that six persons took ornaments from the tree, indicating that they'll be purchasing the gifts. However, she has no idea who you are. So, if you've got an ornament and are going to be unable to purchase an item, let Judy know. Her email address is

(2) I had a nice visit with Paul Niehaus earlier today. He's doing better, although he still has occasional discomfort. He and Marti are both in great spirits and appreciate your prayers.

(3) Remember our Advent Soup and Salad Gathering, happing on Thursday at 7:00PM. Come for a time of food, fellowship, and brief discussion of Opening Your Spiritual Gifts. The two gatherings this Advent season happen on December 14 and 21.

Please Pray

Please pray for Paul Niehaus, who is a patient at Anderson Mercy Hospital. It was discovered yesterday that Paul had several blod clots in his lungs. He's receiving meds to dissolve the clots and is undergoing a battery of tests to determine why he was susceptible to their development. Pray not only that Paul will recover completely, but also that doctors will determine a means by which this can be prevented in the future.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Carol Barrett says...

thank you to Bill Herdtner, Betsy DeVore, and Debbie Snoke for helping with the distribution of flyers at yesterday's Amelia Christmas Parade.

Thanks to Kyle Barrett for designing the flyers.

Thanks also to Jan Witkowski for providing the candy canes that were distributed with the flyers!

(And thanks on behalf of the congregation to Carol for all her hard work and dedication to Christ and the Church in her work as head of Outreach for Friendship!)

Thanks to...

Devon Beck, Michael Beck, Kassadi Snoke, Laura Kuebel, Patrick Kuebel, Justin Feine, Courtney DeVore, and Kyle Barrett from our youth group as well as Philip Daniels for helping with the Christmas Caroling at the Eastgate Nursing Home yesterday.

Thanks also to Nancy Ball for providing hot chocolate back at the church building after we finished caroling.

The residents really appreciated our bringing some Christmas cheer to them. We sang about fifteen different Christmas hymns, including Silent Night and O Little Town of Bethlehem. (We also sang Deck the Hall and We Wish You a Merry Christmas.)

Below is a video that Phil took during the after-Caroling Cocoa time. Only a few of the carolers remained.

A few words of explanation about the video:

1. The references to the left and right wings is to two hallways on the first floor of the nursing home. The left wing is where rehabilitation patients live. The right wing is where Alzheimer patients live. We were told not to venture down the left wing because residents there were recovering from bad colds and flus.

2. Kassadi's nickname is Bob, given to her by our own Jenn Evans, back when Kassadi was first walking and talking. Her response at the time was, "I not Bob," which is pretty much what she said yesterday over cocoa. (Today, little Michael K. calls her that!)

3. Michael insists that he can't sing, even though yesterday I could hear that wasn't true.

4. Be sure to watch for the moment at which Nancy Ball and daughter Devon Beck stuff marshmallows in their mouths to flash what might be described as "Michelin smiles."

5. I don't know why videos on YouTube, where this video is "parked" are slightly out of sync. But they're all that way these days, it seems.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

We're at Day 8...

in the series, Opening Your Spiritual Gifts. See here.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Special December Worship Reminders

Remember the following special December worship reminders:

Thursday, December 14, and Thursday, December 21, starting at 7:00PM, we'll have Soup and Salad gatherings with short discussions of our Opening Your Spiritual Gifts devotions.

The Christmas Eve Candlelight Worship happens at 7:00PM. Christmas Eve falls on Sunday this year and we will have regular morning worship that day, celebrating the Fourth Weekend in Advent.

There will be no Saturday worship on December 23 and 30. But it will resume on the first Saturday in January, 2007.

You'll be able to sign the Covenant, renewing your membership in Friendship, on the last three Sundays of the year, as well as on Saturday, December 16.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Put It on Your Calendars Now!

We'll be raising money again for the youth mission trip to New York by serving dinner (and getting the tips) at TGIFriday's at Anderson Town Center on Thursday, April 12, 2007. That's the Thursday after Easter.

We'll need twenty adult volunteers to help.

Tell all your friends that we'll be serving dinner from 5 to 9PM that night and that all their tips will help finance our trip!

You'll find this story interesting

Click here.

The First Pass at This Weekend's Bible Lesson...

is here.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Two Outreach Opportunities This Coming Sunday

We have two important outreach opportunities this coming Sunday:

First: From Carol Barrett, the leader of Friendship's Outreach team:
When: Sunday, December 10th
Time: need to meet in Amelia at 1:00 (details will be announced at church
on Sunday) Parade starts at 2:00

We will be walking in the parade handing out a flyer with the Candy Cane Story, a candy cane attached, and an invitation to our church.

Please join us as we pass on the Gift of Jesus.


Youth Caroling at Eastgate Nursing Home. We meet at the church building at 1:30PM. Then, we head to the nursing home to sing songs of Christmas to the residents there. Any other Friendship folks who would like to join us for this are very welcome.

Reaching out to our community is an essential element of the Friendship Vision for 2007! Thanks for your commitment to Jesus Christ and to our congregation.

It includes:
  • Exalting the Lord
  • Each one reaching one
  • Engaging n service
  • Expanding your vision

Friday, December 01, 2006

Thank You Received by Friendship

This from one of the families to whom we provided Thanksgiving dinner...

Dear Mrs. Kuebel and Friendship,
Thank you so much for the Thanksgiving basket for our family. It was a great surprise for all of your caring hearts to care for my family. All of you are angels lending your hands to others.
Thanks for caring,
Mary Jo, Charles, Joey, Robert, and Mathew

From Kassidy Lambert on Her CASA Bake Sales

Pastor Mark,
I want to say thank you for allowing me to hold two bake sales at church. With the Sunday and Wednesday sale, I made a total of $118.18 thanks to you and everyone at Friendship. I am going shopping Monday to purchase the items that are really needed for CASA, thanks to Nancy Ball. She has provided me with a list. Mrs. Barrett donated some items to me that she had; such as socks and underwear and I appreciate that dearly and those items will help a lot and will be donated to CASA as well. I can't wait to further my project with the volunteering at the Boys and Girls Club and also with CASA. I now know that everyone at Friendship has a sweet tooth! Thank you so much for everything and I'm looking forward to many more sucessful bake sales. Mmmm. Have a good day!
-Kassidy Lambert-

Christmas Outreach

We will be putting up colored paper ornaments for the Williamsburg ResCare people for Christmas gifts again this year. We are going to ask that you please sign up on a sign up sheet so that when delivery day comes we are sure to have everyone’s gift under the tree. This will avoid last minute shopping. These ornaments will have a person’s name on the front with a number and the back will give suggestions for the gifts. Cost of gifts can be very minimal, most will be able to be purchased at a Dollar Store or Once Around Thrift Shop. All gifts will need to be under the tree by December 17. Anyone wanting a rewarding experience of the gift of God’s Love would be greatly appreciated to help deliver these gifts. It will definitely make your experience unforgettable!

What is the Advent Wreath All About?

Learn about it here.

Is Belief in God Bad for the World?

See here. It's my latest Community Press column.