Friday, February 02, 2007

A Reminder

"I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me," Paul writes in the New Testament book of Philippians.

"Without Me, you can do nothing," Jesus says in the Gospel of John.

Let's remember to begin every meeting, every group, every rehearsal, every ministry project, every time we invite a friend to worship with us, and every class at Friendship with prayer, asking God's help and inspiration and that everything we say and do will glorify Him.

I know that sometimes in my rush to "get things done," I forget that. I suspect that the same may hold true for others.

When I sent a similar reminder to folks a few months ago, I had several people approach me to thank me for it. One man told me, "You can tell such a difference in what happens when we pray." That's because when we approach the Father in Jesus' Name, we're powered by God and not by ourselves!

I would even say that such prayer is even appropriate for those who kindly volunteer to do the important work of cleaning our church building, ushering, greeting, reading the Bible lessons, and so on. Let's saturate our Church in the power of Christ by seeking His help in our prayers.

Friendship has always been a praying church. Let's expand that reality:
  • Pray at the beginning of every meeting, every group, every rehearsal, every ministry project, every time we invite a friend to worship with us, and every class. Ask for God's help and inspiration and that everything we say and do will glorify Him.



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