Monday, January 29, 2007

Catechism Dates Set

Catechism is the set of classes Friendship offers to children in the sixth through eighth grades to prepare them for adult membership in the Church. At the end of this three year program, the students affirm the covenant God made with them in Baptism and commit their lives to Christ.

The sessions for this year's Catechism class have been set, as well as the date of Confirmation for eighth graders. Each sessions happen from 9:00AM to 2:00PM, with breakfasts and lunches provided by parents.

The dates of the class sessions:
February 24
March 17
April 21
May 5 (Eighth graders only)

Confirmation: May 20, 2007. (Note that this is the Sunday before Pentecost, which falls on Memorial Day weekend this year.)

Student books will be distributed after worship this coming Sunday, February 4. Students will need to read the assigned chapters before each class session, in addition to completing projects to be handed in on the dates of the sessions.

We always have a lot of fun in Catechism. Joining me in teaching the classes will be Debbie Snoke and Tim Vogel. I thank them for their help!


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