Habitat for Humanity TGIF's Event Rescheduled...and Other Habitat Reminders
From Jan W.:
Lovely weather we're having, isn't it? But I can't complain when I compare it to the snow our family and friends are getting back in upstate New York!
Just wanted to let you all know that the fundraiser event that had been scheduled at TGIF's for Thursday, 2/15, has been cancelled by Donna, the store manager. Seems several of her key servers will not be available this Thurs. pm, and as Donna wants this particular fundraiser to go really well, she asked us to cancel. And in light of the weather and Valentine's Day tomorrow, etc., I'm sure it's for the best anyway. So....
Please mark Thursday, March 8th on your calendar as the date to dine @ Anderson's TGIF to support the Thrivent Builds with Habitat for Humanity. If anyone would like to experience what it's like to be a server, a hostess, a greeter, or a busser---well, I'd love to help you fulfill this lifelong goal! You'll need to be at the restaurant around 4:30 and would be put to work from 5-9 pm. We don't get to eat food during that time, but we do get to have whatever non-alcohlic beverage we need throughout the evening. If unable to serve, please come and dine with us on that evening. Habitat gets to keep all the tip money from the night. (Donna does something different for her "real" servers at these events and apparently they are eager to work with us in this capacity!)
Also, the spaghetti supper for February 25th will be from 5-7 pm at St. Veronica's on Mt. Carmel-Tobasco Road. The entertainment for the evening will be the handbell choir from All Saints Lutheran. I stopped by to see their choir director last evening for some Thrivent business, and they were practicing their concert program. They have 4 full octaves and they sounded amazing last night! They are so excited about helping with Habitat and about working in our own community. Adult dinners are $7, children $5, and no family will pay more than $20 unless they want to give more. Hope you can come to this event as well.
Guess that's it for now. Hope you are all staying warm and keeping dry. Remember, Phil did not see his shadow, so spring is just around the corner! :-)
God Bless,
Lovely weather we're having, isn't it? But I can't complain when I compare it to the snow our family and friends are getting back in upstate New York!
Just wanted to let you all know that the fundraiser event that had been scheduled at TGIF's for Thursday, 2/15, has been cancelled by Donna, the store manager. Seems several of her key servers will not be available this Thurs. pm, and as Donna wants this particular fundraiser to go really well, she asked us to cancel. And in light of the weather and Valentine's Day tomorrow, etc., I'm sure it's for the best anyway. So....
Please mark Thursday, March 8th on your calendar as the date to dine @ Anderson's TGIF to support the Thrivent Builds with Habitat for Humanity. If anyone would like to experience what it's like to be a server, a hostess, a greeter, or a busser---well, I'd love to help you fulfill this lifelong goal! You'll need to be at the restaurant around 4:30 and would be put to work from 5-9 pm. We don't get to eat food during that time, but we do get to have whatever non-alcohlic beverage we need throughout the evening. If unable to serve, please come and dine with us on that evening. Habitat gets to keep all the tip money from the night. (Donna does something different for her "real" servers at these events and apparently they are eager to work with us in this capacity!)
Also, the spaghetti supper for February 25th will be from 5-7 pm at St. Veronica's on Mt. Carmel-Tobasco Road. The entertainment for the evening will be the handbell choir from All Saints Lutheran. I stopped by to see their choir director last evening for some Thrivent business, and they were practicing their concert program. They have 4 full octaves and they sounded amazing last night! They are so excited about helping with Habitat and about working in our own community. Adult dinners are $7, children $5, and no family will pay more than $20 unless they want to give more. Hope you can come to this event as well.
Guess that's it for now. Hope you are all staying warm and keeping dry. Remember, Phil did not see his shadow, so spring is just around the corner! :-)
God Bless,
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