Monday, October 02, 2006


Here's this week's prayer concerns.
Seek healing for:
Charlene Hauke;
Alena, granddaughter of Dara and Pete Wagner;
Jerry Rogers, recovering from surgery;
Franny Bishop;
Bonnie (a friend of Carol Barrett’s);
Nancy Ball’s Aunt Mary;
John Clough;
Bill and Betty Ball, recuperating from an automobile accident;
Jimmy Coleman;
Sarah Russell;
Mel Simmons;
Susan Frejofsky;
Ross Hudson;
Josh Cress;
Angie Satterfield (Vic Fay’s sister);
Nick Wimmers;
another Angie (friend of Carol Barrett);
Courtney DeMoss;
Cheyann Fletcher;
Jim Tenbrink (father of Betsy DeVore);
Eileen Martin (sister of Tim Toerner);
Kristina Erdmann;
Sheron (a friend of Judy Toerner);
Veldonna Agee;
Gracie Cress;
Jason Hauke;
Brian Collins;
Allie Meckstroth;
Jessica Niehaus;
Pat Sidwell;
Betty Daniels; and
Lindsay Bond.
(If you have names to add to or delete from the list, let Mark Daniels know via email at

Please pray that either an in-kind source or some large donors who can provide the funding for the purchase of daily snacks for the children of our Clermont County Boys and Girls Clubs can be found.

Pray that the ceasefire will hold in Lebanon.

Pray for peace throughout our world.

Ask God to bless the efforts of our youth group as they plan and prepare for their Week of Hope misision trip in June, 2007.

Ask God to bless Sinanzinkosi Moyo, the Zimbabwean girl our congregation sponsors through World Vision. Our sponsorship helps Sinanzinkosi and her fellow villagers to have schools, clean drinking water, and the opportunity to know and follow Jesus.

Pray God’s guidance for all world leaders and that their wills will be open to that guidance.

Pray for Friendship, asking God to help us to be faithful in our mission of reaching out to others with the love of Jesus and thereby experience growth in faith, love, unity, outreach, prayer, discipleship, giving, numbers of disciples, numbers of worshipers.

Pray for our Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), asking God to grant the same sort of growth to our entire denomination that we seek for Friendship.

Pray that God will use our FRIEND DAY on October 29 to bring many people in contact with Jesus Christ.

Pray too, that God will provide the funds needed for Friendship's youth and their friends to make the Week of Hope mission trip in June, 2007.


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